雷竞技官方版苹果下载brings an extraordinary team of professionals experienced in upgrades, modifications and improvements to power generation facilities. We understand that a power generation facility is a complex assembly of systems and subsystems – when a system, structure or component is modified, replaced, or upgraded often times the impact to other systems, structures and components must be understood and considered as well. Our clients engage us to perform a detailed review of the issues, and formulate alternatives and recommend a cost-effective, compliant solution for the facility. We go into each project with a clear understanding of the Owner's goals and engineer the best possible solution. We understand that robust communication with operations, maintenance, engineers and management is essential to a successful project that meets the requirements of all stakeholders. Of course, our focus as professional engineers is to provide quality documents for a design that is constructible and maintainable.
- 高压(大于69 000伏)分布设计
- 中型电压(大于1000伏特)分布设计
- 低压分配设计为480/277V、240V和208/120V
- DC分发 28vdc至270vdc
- 自动传输切换
- 不间断电源
- 监控、中继和控制分发组件
- 急救备份生成器-加载切换
- main-tie-main或main-tie-tie-main配电设计
- 电机控制电路设计
- 设计新照明计划或改装照明计划支持项目设计并提高电气效率
- 基建(搭建、电源、静态设备)系统设计
- 主动和被动chodic(地下管道和组件)保护设计
- 工具设计支持工厂流程
- 过程图和仪表图
- 控件集成
- 厂流程自动化
- Arc闪存学习和需求
- NFPA代码兼容
- 消防检测报警系统设计修改
- 消防水供应设计液压分析
- 消防抑制系统设计修改(包括喷洒系统、喷水系统、清洁代理系统以及泡沫/化工系统)
- 消防、爆炸和化学危害评估和评价/消防建模
- 概念设计咨询服务
- 防火屏障设计、资格和评价
- 蒸气冷凝水系统
- 开闭冷水系统
- 进水处理系统
- 冷水处理系统
- 压缩空气系统
- HVAC环境过程控制,包括控制机房、实验室、辅助设施
- 化学存储槽包括加载/卸载站
- 冷水热水系统等辅助支持系统
- 机械系统分析包括液压学、水锤学、热交换性能等
- 测试工程师支持
- 备用电源系统
- 管道支持系统设计分析
- 辅助辅助钢结构(例如访问平台和电组件支持)设计分析
- 设计分析建基和结构(ACI和AISC编码)
- 独立第三方审查提升计划